Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just got back from a holiday in Tasmania, touring with family in from the States. I got to see some places I've never seen before on previous trips, including a view of the unobscured profile of Cradle Mountain. I had a great time, and I'll hopefully post some pictures here eventually.

Yesterday, the winds started blowing out of the north and, all of a sudden, a desert dry heat enveloped Melbourne. After work, I went for a walk along the beach from Sandringham to Half Moon Bay. There were more people there than I had ever seen. I'm told people make a beeline for the shore right after work and have a good three hours or more of daylight to enjoy before sunset. The water was a tremendous relief.

The heat broke with a "cool change" at 10 a.m. this morning. The temperature dropped from 89 degrees to 73 degrees in under an hour. No clouds, no rain, no storm - just a shift in the wind. Very bizarre, but very typical for Melbourne weather.

Going to visit the cats at Spotswood quarantine right after work... Looking forward to it. Wonder if they'll remember me? They haven't seen me in almost six months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those poor kitty's! I am sure they will remember you!